I am a “recovering” British and Hong Kong lawyer who left the UK on an adventure in 1986 and haven’t lived there since! I now live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the US with my retired husband and a rescued Jack Russell mix puppy called Charlie.

When my kids came along and my husband’s job had us moving every five minutes, the challenges of being a lawyer exceeded the potential rewards. I still enjoyed an occasional legal fix, so transitioned into translating legal jargon for normal people to understand. Writing legal newsletters and marketing content kept my brain functioning and my vocabulary sharp in between volunteer shifts at my kids’ school.

After a couple of relocations in the US, I wandered into the labyrinth of antique sales. I loved scouring the dusty warehouses in the back alleys of Hong Kong, China, and Macau for unique curiosities but was never much of a salesperson. So many of the carved jade pieces looked right at home on the altar table in my hallway.  

More recently I’ve been working with nonprofits to resolve their communications struggles, and of course, brainstorm fundraising opportunities. And I’ve been contributing to the peace and harmony of my community by mediating neighbor disputes and dog fights for the local small claims court.

I’ve written magazine articles about parenting, legal conundrums, and community issues. And then after 20 years of procrastination, I realized a bucket list wish to publish the children’s stories my Mum wrote for my kids when we lived in Hong Kong.

I always thought writing was the tough part of being an author. It was quite a revelation to discover what a palaver it is to ever sell a book. As I’ve been mastering the rigamarole of book marketing for Mum’s books, I’ve been meeting so many interesting authors. All with fascinating stories to tell. It got me thinking, is it time for me to write my own words now?

Having spent so much time writing for other people and promoting other people’s words, I have a backlog of opinions, anecdotes, and lessons learned I’d love to share.

We lost a dog to cancer after 16 years of adventures and recently rescued a new pup. Those two characters alone will fuel enough emotion for umpteen thousand words.

Get ready- I have a lot to say!